Jan Polk Original Oil Paintings, note cards, limited edition prints and book A Year of Good Manners by Margery Sinclair, GAFC, AYOGM, Painter of the GAFC

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Please complete the following form if you would like to leave a message or
order "A Year of Good Manners."  $27.95 plus 5 cents s&h fees.
Free shipping within the contiguous 48 United States on orders over $50.00.
(Note:  Does not apply to original paintings. Shipping Charges are involved.)
Items ship from Kentucky.

Jan Polk is the Painter of the Great American Flower Collection , the "respect series"
of fine art watercolor paintings. GAFC images remind you to treat yourself and others
with respect. Jan is also becoming well known for her impressionist oil paintings which
are painted "en plein air" (in the open air).

I have recently become aware that Tonesha Evans fraudulently claims to be a Manager at JanPolk.com.
Tonesha Evans is not an employee of Janpolk.com or GAFC Company and never has been.

8.26.24  No Products for sale at this time.  I invite you to read the free AYOGM etiquette tips and to 
celebrate our common bonds on April 15 - Law Abiding Citizen Day
Honorable people are that way by choice. Laws cannot create honorable people.
Honorable, civilized, law abiding citizens do not commit crimes.

By Appointment Only
Phone:  859-466-1986    
Hours:  9:00 - 5:00 PM EST

Jan Polk
Great American Flower Collection Company (GAFC)
24 S. Ft. Thomas Ave. #75335
Ft. Thomas, KY 41075


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(c)2025 Jan Polk Please do not reproduce images without written permission by the artist.